Cambalache 3,14 - La vidriera irrespetuosa

Que el mundo fue y será una porquería, ya lo sé.

3 de Julio: Everybody bake Jesus Day

Recuerden: a los tres días sale por su propio pie. Si lo dejan a medio hacer tendrán que usar una espátula. Los clavos no se comen.

Día de cocinar un cristo / Bake Jesus for protect free speech / Evento

2010-06-16 15:36 | Categoría: | Enlace permanente | Etiquetas: | Y dicen por ahí

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De: Amigo Fecha: 2010-06-17 12:00

Anyone who hates me hates my Father. If I had not performed such works among them as no one else has ever done, they would be blameless; but as it is, in spite of what they have seen, they hate both me and my Father. But all this was only to fulfil the words written in their Law: They hated me without reason.
(John 15, 23-25)

Father, forgive them; they do not know what they are doing.
(Luke 23, 34)

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